Shoplifter Profiling. The media often asks me if retail store loss-prevention agents use “profiling” tactics as a means of determining which customers are most likely to steal. The answer is … [Read more...]
Shoplifting False Imprisonment – Lawful Detention or False Imprisonment?
Shoplifting false imprisonment is defined as the unlawful restraint of a retail theft suspect that affects their freedom of movement. Usually, this involves confining a person within fixed boundaries … [Read more...]
Shoplifting False Arrest – How Retailers Reduce Liability for Bad Stops?
Shoplifting false arrest is very distasteful, so the industry has created several alternate words to describe the event like "non-productive detention" or "unproductive stop" or "investigative … [Read more...]
Shoplifting Detention – How Retail Stores Detain a Suspected Shoplifter?
Shoplifting Detention. In an effort to prevent thieves from walking out of a store without paying for merchandise, sometimes it becomes necessary to detain and arrest those suspected of shoplifting. … [Read more...]
Retail Loss Prevention – Profession and Practices to Preserve Profit
Retail loss prevention is a profession that is responsible for reducing inventory losses inside retail stores. Loss prevention professionals manage in-store security programs that focus on reducing … [Read more...]
Security Guards Excessive Force – During a Retail Shoplifter Detention
Security Guards Excessive Force. Last night, I witnessed a classic example of excessive force being used against a shoplifter. There were four uniformed security guards that were involved in the … [Read more...]