Nightclub security bouncer job description and security duties.
- What are the duties of nightclub security and bouncers?
- Are nightclub security personnel adequately trained?
- How are club policies and procedures set and enforced?
- Who determines what level of force is used by bouncers?

Nightclub doorman weapons pat-down
- Yale University staff writer Declan Kunkel interviews Chris McGoey.
- Yale University will publish this interview in The Politic Newspaper.
Podcast Time Stamps:
[01:20] – Introduction of Yale University student Declan Kunkel.
[01:30] – Nightclub security job description including bouncers.
[01:55] – What are the typical doorman duties in a nightclub?
[04:28] – What are the typical access control duties in a nightclub?
[04:59] – What are the typical duties of a nightclub bouncer?
[06:00] – Are there any nightclub security training standards?
[07:30] – How do nightclub bouncers know when to intervene?
[08:40] – Best bouncers are not always large in stature or male.
[09:30] – Security and bouncers need clearly defined rules.
[11:28] – Nightclub bouncers notice troublemakers right away.
[12:00] – What is the liability for criminal acts of patrons and staff?
[14:00] – Nightclub security responsibility to remove known threats.
[15:20] – Nightclub security biggest mistake is the use of excessive force.
[16:30] – Nightclub security needs an adequate number of bouncers.
[17:50] – How can a nightclub reverse a dangerous reputation?
[19:40] – How can a nightclub change the nature of a disorderly club?
[21:40] – Every nightclub needs responsible service alcohol training.
[22:35] – Nightclub security high standards hiring, training, supervision.
Nightclub Security Doorman Duties
- Positioned at all doors wearing a distinctive uniform.
- They are well-trained for the post and know every regulation.
- Must maintain control of access and club entry lines.
- ID verification for legal age prior to admission.
- Verify prior to entry that the person is not obviously intoxicated.
- Verify that the person is not carrying a weapon or contraband.
- Use an optional metal detector or pat-down or bag search.
- Enforce the dress code and refuse objectionable attire.
- Refuses admission to known troublemakers.
- Direct communication with bouncers and management.
- Access and egress control and fire safety duties.
- Calls the police to report criminal acts, as required.
Nightclub Security Bouncer Duties
- Work primarily inside of a nightclub or at the door.
- Patrols exterior and parking lot sometimes.
- Wear a distinctive uniform and is highly visible.
- Positioned in a room with an unobstructed view.
- Have adequate staff (e.g. 1-50 ratio), if high-risk.
- Monitor patron behavior and level of intoxication.
- Enforce club rules often with early warnings.
- Removes obnoxious and offensive persons.
- Always professional when asking patrons to leave.
- Implement a policy to ban persons who like to fight.
- Use force only in self-defense or detention for police.
- Calls the police to enforce criminal acts, as required.
Nightclub Security Bouncer Hiring, Training, Supervision
- Hire doormen and bouncers with the right demeanor for the job.
- Large men are not the sole basis for security hiring decisions.
- Hire a diverse staff of different sex, age, and ethnicity.
- Train in criminal and civil law and standard of care.
- Frequent training about the use of force and limitations.
- Frequent practice and scenario drills working as a team.
- Supervise security closely for compliance with training.
- Mobile radios and communication aids supervision.
- Frequent staff meetings with the supervisor to update training.
- A manager works with the police, as needed, to maintain order.
Nightclub Security Bouncer Excessive Use of Force
- Bouncers have no authority to use excessive force.
- No police powers beyond ordinary citizens.
- An adequate number of bouncers reduces the risk of injury.
- Adequate training reduces excessive force incidents.
- Excessive force by bouncers will ruin a club’s reputation.
- The excessive use of force causes harm and creates liability.
- Should have documentation of the use of force training.
Nightclub Security Bouncer – Repair a Bad Reputation
- Must control the over-service of alcoholic beverages.
- Must control overcrowding and club intensity.
- Failing to control aggressive behavior that will ruin a club’s reputation.
- Excessive force by bouncers adds to a bad reputation and media.
- Must control parking lot for loitering, drugs, traffic, and litter.
- Must control egress traffic from a club at closing time.
- Partnership with the police and liquor licensing agency.
- Hire a security consultant to build a new security plan.
- Make a commitment to change the nature of the nightclub.
- Be a good neighbor and demonstrate changes in operation.
More Information about Nightclub & Bar Security
- Bouncers and Doormen.
- Managing Obnoxious Behavior.
- Bouncers & Doormen Need Training.
- Death of a Nightclub.
- Bar Bouncers Use Excessive Force in Florida. Episode 11
- The Politic Newspaper, Yale University.
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