Juvenile Shoplifting – Petty Theft with Low Risk of Incarceration
- Juveniles working gangster-style with adults makes crime a felony
- Adults directing children to steal $350 of Red Bull Energy Drinks
- Adult parents throw 12oz cans at a clerk escalating to a robbery

Organized Retail Thieves rented a U-Haul Van to Steal Red Bull
Podcast Time Stamps:
[00:50] — episode 44 podcast begins with security expert Chris McGoey
[01:00] — AM/PM Convenience Store video caught juvenile shoplifting in the act
[01:30] — Watch the mother attempt to distract the cashier from seeing the theft
[02:50] — Watch the father throw 12oz Red Bull cans at the cashier and aids kids to escape
[03:20] — Father’s use of force escalates juvenile shoplifting to felony robbery
[04:40] — Red Bull Energy Drink is a hot Organized Retail Crime theft item
[05:35] — Organized thieves clean out entire shelves to sell on the black market
[07:00] — Organized Retail Crime is a multi-billion dollar loss for the retail industry
Juvenile Shoplifting of Red Bull Video (starts after a short delay)
Juvenile Shoplifting Training by Disgraceful Parents
- Children learn what they hear and see especially the parents’ gangster lifestyle
- These children are learning not to respect people, the law, and the rules of society
- These children are taught that use-of-force and intimidation is like a game
- Many adult career criminals say they started with juvenile shoplifting
- Petty theft is often overlooked by the justice system as a phase of growing up
- Our future depends on parents raising productive and law-abiding children
- Juvenile shoplifting escalates to fraud, burglary, robbery, assault, and worse
- Law enforcement and juvenile courts intervene when parents fail in their duty
- Juvenile shoplifting petty theft is charged as burglary if adults aid and abet
- Bad parent role models, bad friends, and early incarceration sets the path for life
Organized Retail Crime (ORC) Use Juvenile Shoplifting
- Retail loss prevention agents see adults using kids as shields to shoplift
- Store personnel need training on how to approach and deter organized thieves
- Organize Retail Crime (ORC) prefer big box stores with poor customer service
- Loss Prevention door-greeters are successful in preventing cart push-outs
- ORC shoplifting crews from foreign countries plagued cities then move on
- ORC work in teams and often clean out entire shelf-stock of targeted items
- Stolen items sold at black market stores, restaurants, bars, and swap meets
- The black market is easier now with illicit online sales on eBay, Craigslist, Facebook
- Organized Retail Crime is a multi-billion dollar loss to retailers every year
- Big box store loss prevention has partnered with police to arrest theft crews
- ORC sting operations and legislation enacted to prosecute ORC leaders
Common high-theft items by ORC shoplifters:
- Red Bull Energy Drinks
- Razors and blades
- Over-the-counter pain medication
- Baby formula and diapers
- Batteries
- Pregnancy test kits
- Teeth whitening strips
- Tide laundry detergent
- Diabetic test strips
- Allergy medication
- Condoms
Related Juvenile Shoplifting Podcasts
- 10 Things Loss Prevention Agents want Shoplifters to Know
- 10 Things Shoplifters Don’t Want You to Know
- Loss Prevention Procedures Reduce Liquor Wine Store Theft
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