Crime Free Multi-Housing Program, part two. In this episode, we continue the discussion about apartment security and this highly-effective crime prevention partnership.
- The goal of the Crime Free Multi-housing Program is to keep illegal activity off rental housing property.
- The Crime Free Multi-housing Program was developed in 1992 at Mesa Police Department by today’s guest Tim Zehring.
- There is no one better to tell you about the benefits of the Crime Free Programs and the International Crime Free Association.
Crime Free Multi-Housing
If you own one or more multi-family apartment properties or you’re in the business of residential rental property management then this program is for you.
Property Owner or Manager
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do you want help to prevent criminal incidents from occurring on your property like open and active drug activity, gang activity, loitering, trespassing, graffiti, vandalism, property damage, burglary to rental units and vehicles, stolen cars, and physical assaults of residents…
- Do you want your apartment property to enjoy a good reputation in the community for being known as a reasonably safe to live…
- Do you want your residents and staff to feel safe while living or working on your property and not suddenly quit work or terminate their lease out of fear of crime…
- Do you want more referrals from your best tenants to their friends that want to live in a community that actively practices crime prevention…
- Do you want to learn how to make the criminal element feel uncomfortable living or hanging out on your property and find another location…
Do you want reduced unit make-ready expenses and advertising costs caused by sudden vacancies following a criminal incident… - Do you want a higher occupancy rate, be able to charge a premium rent, and even have a waiting list of qualified applicants who want to live a crime-free lifestyle….
- Do you want to reduce your exposure to premises liability lawsuits and negligence claims because someone was injured on your property during a criminal assault…
If the answers so far are yes…then you need the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program to support you
Law Enforcement Agency
If you’re a law enforcement agency and you want to reduce the number of calls-for-service to multi-family rental housing properties in your jurisdiction, then this program is for you.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do you want to reduce repeated calls for service to high-crime multi-family housing properties by an average of 70% and redirect those resources to other crime priorities in your city…
- Do you want to learn how to gain trust and cooperation with apartment landlords and managers and work together to solve criminal activity on multi-family rental housing properties…
- Do want easier access to 1/3 of the population that resides on private property in rental housing…
- Do you want to become part of an international law enforcement organization that offers a tested model crime prevention program, training of your officers provides support, and continuing education about reducing crime on rental housing properties…
- Do you want your agency to enjoy the public relations benefit of starting a proactive community-based crime prevention initiative…
If the answers so far are yes…then you need the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program as a road map to guide you toward your crime reduction goals.
In part two of this episode, you learned about:
- Phase 2 of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program
- Focus on the physical security of the rental units and common area
- Fortifying the apartment doors and windows
- Common area security
- Lighting, landscaping, and access control
- Phase 3 safety social for residents
- Building a sense of community
- Stranger-hoods in rental housing
- Law enforcement train-the-trainer program
- Building a network of Crime Free Coordinators
- Crime Free Lease Addendum
- Puts power in the hands of property owners and managers
- Resident background checks
- Using civil remedies to enforce lease terms and rules
- Legislation and key court cases
- International Crime Free Association
- Annual Crime Free Conference
My Endorsement
I’ve been involved in apartment rental housing and property management for over five decades…along with my education and training in crime prevention and security management.
I know first-hand the arguments and operational pain points on both sides of this equation
I’ve also been closely involved with the Crime Free Multi-housing program for over twenty-eight years as a Charter Member and watched it develop and mature into the organized model program that it is today.
I believe so strongly in the effectiveness of this program that I’ve made it the focus of my Community Service since 1995. I fully support the efforts of the International Crime Free Association to bring law enforcement and apartment communities together to make rental housing safer for people and property.
About our Guest Tim Zehring

Tim Zehring
Tim Zehring retired from Mesa, Arizona Police Department after 22 years of service working in many aspects of the police department, but mainly in crime prevention. He ran the Crime Prevention Unit from 1986-1996. Then he became supervisor of the unit and the detectives from 1996-2008 when he finally retired.
Tim Zehring created the Crime Free Multi-housing Program in 1992. This ground-breaking program was the foundation of the Crime Free Association that Tim organized in 1996. It was later named the International Crime Free Association. He was the original executive director of this association until 2009.
Tim also developed other Crime Free programs designed to address the specific crime problems at condominiums, hotels, mini-storage, mobile housing, RV parks, and retail business.
After 29 years of working in crime prevention, Tim continues to be generous with his time teaching the Crime Free programs to law enforcement agencies around North America. He also works as a crime prevention expert witness in litigation cases.
Resource Links Mentioned in this Episode:
- International Crime Free Association.
- – Chris McGoey Website.
- – Tim Zehring Website.
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