Soft targets are open to the public and often unprotected
- Soft targets are public and private venues with easy access.
- Soft targets have few restrictions and relaxed rule enforcement.
- They lack active supervision and immediate forceful response.

Most Public Settings Soft Targets
Soft targets, are they a factor related to mass shootings?
- Interview with reporter Michael Hernandez with the Anadolu Agency.
Podcast Time Stamps:
[02:33] — Media questions about what should be done about mass shootings.
[02:45] — Do mass shootings occur more often at soft targets?
[04:00] — Interview with reporter Michael Hernandez begins.
[05:00] — Soft targets vary by degree, business type, and location.
[06:15] — Nightclubs restrict access and act as gatekeepers.
[07:00] — Always a sliding scale of soft targets evolving to hard targets.
[08:30] — International airports are harder targets due to police presence.
[09:05] — How do you prevent a mass murder at a soft target?
[12:00] — Mass shootings require a forceful law enforcement response.
[13:15] — Ongoing political argument to restrict access to assault rifles.
[13:25] — We need a lawful mandate to identify those planning mass murder.
Soft Targets Transition to Hard Targets
- Businesses begin to add layers to their security plan.
- Adjust business hours to limit access.
- Add barriers, and limit available entry doors and escape routes.
- Add better lighting, video cameras, and door hardware.
- Add a restrictive policy, procedures, and rules.
- Add personnel to monitor or limit access.
- Add perimeter surveillance for early intervention.
Security Plan is Important for Soft Targets
- Start a dialog at your company about workplace violence potential.
- Do you have a security plan to address violence and active shooters?
- Make it a priority to evaluate the nature of your business.
- Make it a priority to conduct a crime risk assessment.
- Develop a security plan to address the risk assessment findings.
- Follow through and execute a training program for all employees.
Update: Istanbul Airport Terrorist Attack
- Ataturk airport is an example of an outer soft target and porous security.
- Airports need perimeter traffic to flow well to avoid bottlenecks.
- Large bottlenecks of people and cars create more security issues.
- Airport security design hardens the target in layers as you move inside.
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- Evaluating Crime Foreseeability and Inadequate Security Cases
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